Sunday, June 2, 2013

Summer Work

As a class, we formulate the ideas for the summer assignment for next year. Katherine, Gwen, and I will be facilitating a lot of it to catch the other students up to speed with what we did this past year. I will specifically be in charge of the Greek/Shakespeare element of the assignment. The meeting was May 31, 2013 at 7:30 in the morning.
Here is what we came up with:

IB Theatre – Summer Assignment

for the 2013 – 2013 School Year


Greetings, returning and incoming IB Theatre students!  As we embark on the second year of the existence of this course, we look forward to challenges, successes, frustrations, and aha! moments.  Before you delve into this summer assignment, I want you to know that I am available any and all the time via email: to answer your questions, to encourage your research and thought, and to guide you to be successful.  What a great year we are going to have together!  Again, welcome!
Mrs. Amy Burke


Get pumped!  Seeing as we are the last survivors of Generation One, that makes you guys “The Next Generation.”  Don’t wear red shirts.  J  Seriously dudes, you will experience a new type of classroom.  This course will include ALL aspects of theatre – research, history, production, technical / design, etc.  Yes, writing and research doesn’t sound so great, but you will become innovative, and you will learn to think on your feet.  This class will entail a significant workload, but we always make sure to have fun, so don’t worry.  It’s going to be a ball!  Woo!

Katherine Campbell        Frida Centerskog              Sam Marino        Hali McKinley Lester       Aishwarya Singh               Gwen Strom

Your summer work includes two online components:

[Facebook link / site] – This site is your first line of defense to contact fellow class members, ask questions, keep up with the classwork for the summer and beyond, etc.  This site is for YOUR BENEFIT.  Posts on this site are NOT GRADED.

Mrs. Burke’s site – [enter link here] – The major aspect of your summer work will be online posts to the previously stated link.  The topics vary from the curriculum of the previous year.  The purpose of these posts is to get you caught up with our returning students’ areas of study.  These assignments will be GRADED.

*Your posts should be original and creative at ALL TIMES

**If you have any issues with due dates / times (vacations, camps, going out of the country, not having access to online facilities), you will need to contact Mrs. Burke at least five (5) days prior to your conflict.  Emergencies will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.  Remember – COMMUNICATE with me J

Your Message Board Assignments / Posts (185 points total):

1.       “Get to know you” post – AT LEAST a 100 word post – Why you picked this course / who you are – DUE by MIDNIGHT, June 12th  (15 points)

2.       Greek and Shakespeare post – 350 – 500 word post PLUS link(s) to research – Background research on Greek theatre and Shakespearean theatre plus a post that explains and synthesizes your research and ties what you learned to a recent / contemporary aspect of our world – DUE by MIDNIGHT, June 26th  (30 points) 

3.       Rhinoceros / Absurdist Theatre / Theatre of Cruelty – 350 – 500 word post PLUS link(s) to research – Research Absurdism / Theatre of Cruelty (as theatre practices) as well as the play, Rhinoceros by Eugene Ionesco.  Post a blog response that explains and synthesizes your research and argues in favor of or against the use of Theatre of Cruelty as a practice – DUE by MIDNIGHT, July 10th (30 points)

4.       Hansel and Gretel adaptation and Blood Wedding by Frederico Garcia Lorca – 350 – 500 word post PLUS link(s) to research AND design links / scanned photos / drawings / sketches.  Take a scene from Hansel and Gretel and edit it.  Take a scene from EACH script and mark it as a director might mark it.  Take a scene from EACH script and design some sort of technical aspect (lighting, set, costumes, props, etc.) – DUE by MIDNIGHT, July 24th (30 points)

5.       Research Investigation, PPProposal, TPPP Examples – 350 – 500 word post PLUS at least five (5) references to the example projects.  Read and respond to each of these project examples – DUE by MIDNIGHT, August 7th (30 points)

6.       Looking Forward to our 2013 – 2014 IB Theatre Curriculum – 500 – 750 word post PLUS link(s) to research on the following topics:  - DUE by MIDNIGHT, August 21st (50 points)

a.       The American Musical

b.      Critique / Reviews of Plays

c.       Japanese Theatre

d.      Contemporary Greek Theatre

e.      Playwriting

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