Monday, June 3, 2013

Rhinoceros Reflection

On  April 1, 2013 (April Fool's Day) our IB Theatre class produced Rhinoceros by Eugene Ionesco. It was really fun! We got all ready in our costumes and everything before first period, and then we blocked off the stairwell, so people wouldn't interrupt our show. The second show went a lot better than our first show. In our first show, I think we were still really nervous and working out the kinks. We hadn't had a full technical rehearsal, so we also didn't really know how it was going to work. We had a few minor problems, and a bit of line skipping, but we didn't let that ruin the show. I was really impressed with how we were able to recover and keep the show going to make it really good. After the first show, we looked over the lines where we had problems, and the second show went really smoothly. I also think it helped that the audience was more responsive second period and seemed to understand the gist of the play better. They asked a lot of questions about design choices, especially the use of red. It was also funny because they asked us some questions that we hadn't really thought of before, such as the symbolism of the cat. Not only did we teach them through our play, but they also opened our eyes to new possibilities. That was a really cool experience. I also liked how we did part memorized and part staged reading because I thought that showed the audience that there are many types of theatrical productions and not everything has to be the standard memorized and on a stage. I think our setting was also interesting for both the audience and actors to experience. It gave the audience a new understanding of how to watch theatre, as well as it gave us a new experience of acting in different settings where it can still be theatre. And it was great to later get compliments from people on how they liked the show! :)

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