Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hansel and Gretel Reflection

On May 17th, 2013, we had our final production of Hansel and Gretel in the Big City in the PAC during periods 1 and 2. I actually thought it went really well. We didn't have a big group for the first period, but we got a lot more audience members second period, and it was great to have the talk-back with all of them because it was really interesting to hear other people's perspectives. Personally, I thought it went well. Of course, we had a very minor bit of line-flubbing, but I really don't think it negatively affected our show because we were able to recover quickly and keep the show going. Also, I think since we had written the show ourselves, we basically knew what we needed to say. I tried to focus on keeping up my volume because we didn't have mikes and we were in the big PAC, as well as really getting into character. I thought I did a fairly good job. I remember when I did my Henry V monologue on that stage and I froze up so much because I was so nervous. I think this show really demonstrated how far I've come because I didn't get so much stage fright. It's all about getting used to it and not letting it bother you. We did have a few problems of course, and I think a lot of that stemmed from not having a lot of full rehearsals prior. The show came right in the middle of AP/IB testing, so people were missing classes and it was tough to practice without everyone here. We were also unable to have a full tech rehearsal because Katherine was sick that day. I think this taught us to really plan ahead for what time we make the show because we probably should've realized it was going to be really hectic at the time and planned ahead more. Also, I think next year we should plan to have more than one full tech rehearsal beforehand, just in case we encounter problems with sickness or other last minute conflicts. Better to be safe than sorry! Yet, I was really please with how everything went, and I was really proud of us that our "last hurrah" of the year was something we'd invested so much effort into and I felt like it really paid off!

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