Saturday, June 1, 2013

Senior Goodbyes and Fun Games

Yesterday, May 31, 2013, was our last IB Theatre class with our seniors, Frida and Sam. It was actually sadder than I thought it would be. They've been with us all year, and even though I didn't know them at the beginning of this year, I've gotten to know them a lot better. They are an integral part of our class, and it will be so weird without them. Especially since our class only has 6 people in it, every person impacts the class in a different way and brings something new to the table. For example, Sam was always so upbeat and open to do anything. Frida offered a fascinating international perspective since she is from Sweden. I'm going to miss them a lot! After we said some parting words to our seniors, we went outside to play some games that were related to theatre. We played a game where we stood in a circle and one person went in the middle and either sang or talked, and then whenever someone else got inspiration from something the person in the middle said, they would go in the middle instead and pick up talking or singing. It was really fun and taught us how to make connections between different things. Then, we played Freeze, where 2 people start acting out a scene, and then another person can say "freeze" and jump into one of the positions already established, but they have to start a whole new scene that is completely unrelated. It was really fun and also taught us to really get into it and make connections to unrelated scenes. It also emphasized a need to think on your feet. Then we played big booty, where you get a number and say someone else's number and then they have to say their own number and then another person's number and it goes around until you mess up. It was really funny because we were all terrible at it and kept messing up. It taught us to respond really quickly and listen well, which apparently we weren't too good at :) Then we played the alphabet/number game where you try to get as far through the alphabet as you can without two people saying a letter at the same time because then you have to start over. It taught us to anticipate other people, as well as to just go for it and hope it works. Finally, we played my favorite activity of the day. We stood in a circle, and a person would go in the middle and everyone would just say nice things about them all at once. It was not only a great feeling to be the person in the middle getting complimented, but it was also good to be on the outside. It was fun to compliment other people and realize how many great qualities everyone has. It's just kind of a reminder that sometimes we need to refocus our lives and realize that more often we need to recognize people's positive attributes, rather than constantly criticize and find people's faults.

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