Sunday, June 2, 2013

Romeo and Juliet

On May 29, 2013, we got to see Gamut Theatre's production of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare in the PAC.
  • they had AWESOME flight choreography--I remember when Mrs. Burke's husband came in freshman and id a presentation about flight choreography, and it was really cool to see it reflected on stage. Maybe we can have a workshop on it next year :)
  • they used rock music--in fact, mostly modern music--HOW COOL! It reminds me a little of what we did with Rhinoceros.
  • I got a little confused about who is what character, as well as who some of the characters are, their familial ties, etc.--I probably need a refresher on the play since I haven't read it since freshman year.
  • the interactions between the nurse and mother were HILARIOUS!!
  • I thought the dancing was cute :) and it didn't look too difficult--maybe something to do with people who aren't great dancers that is fun and looks cool to have within the production
  • they added narration to parts to make it more understandable
  • they had a minimal set and no changes with it  except moving around the boxes to signal a different location
  • when they started Romeo and Juliet's monologues, I actually remembered a lot of it from doing it freshman year! WOW!!
  • I wrote down "freshmen..." because they were really immature and would freak out and laugh or wolf-whistle during any of the kissing scenes--typical
  • in the scene where Juliette doesn't want to marry Paris, her father "slapped" her--I did not remember that or even her father being abusive at all, and I did not like it!! I know each rendition is different and takes different approaches, but that was one change which I did not like because I don't like the perpetuation of the idea/image of violence
  • in the wedding night scene, there was a lot of white, which I noticed--possibly to symbolize the innocence and purity of their love.
Overall, I thought it was a pretty good play!! It's been a while since I've studied Romeo and Juliet so it was fun to see, and another experience of theatre. I'm learning more about what to look for in productions, instead of just deciding whether I like it or not. I also try to take into account acting choices, lighting, set design, and all aspects of theatrical productions.

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