Sunday, January 13, 2013

Returned PPP

On Monday January 7th, Mrs. Burke returned our PPP with feedback. I was fairly pleased with my grade. She felt I would have received somewhere between 16-20 on the IB rubric which is out of 25. Of course, I would have preferred to be in the highest category because I put a lot of effort into the project, but I thought for my first time, it was a fairly reasonable outcome. She provided us with a new rubric that I think will really help for my next PPP. The things I needed to work on to improve my paper were including issues or themes of the performance, targeting a a specific audience, and clearly addressing the feasibility of the project. Also, I needed a more extensive compilation of supporting materials such as brainstorms and mind maps, inspirations, mood collage, diagrams of performance, rough sketches of staging, floor plans, scale drawings, lighting diagrams, and storyboards of blocking and space relationship developments. Prior to receiving this rubric, I did not understand how extensive my ideas needed to be. I understand now that the reader of this project cannot see in my mind, so I have to illustrate all of my thoughts to them. I think it will definitely be a struggle to include all of these aspects because sometimes I just want to run away with my ideas, while the logistics can cause problems. However, I also know that the realistic aspects of this project is important; it needs to actually be possible to be performed, so I will keep that in mind. I am actually pretty excited to take another stab at a PPP, and our next one is due February 1st!

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