Monday, January 21, 2013

Real Gone Preparations

The past week in class, we helped Mrs. Burke get the set together for Real Gone. It was so much fun!!! It made me realize how much work it takes to put on a play, and all aspects must be taken care of. We painted the set, first using primer and then later painted the color. It was a lot fo work to make sure everything looked good, and the clean-up was a big aspect as well. On Thursday, the morning of the first showing, it was madness!! The set was still not done, and I'm pretty sure Mrs. Burke was stressing out a little :) But hey, what's theatre without things coming together at the last minute?! It was great to see how so much of the cast was down there working quickly and efficiently. They were all so involved in every aspect of the production, and they wanted the set to reflect all of the hard work they had put in. Anyway, we were all frantically putting last minute touches on the painting, setting up chairs, and Katherine, Mrs. Burke, and I worked on covering the couch. I thought the set was really coming together, even though it was a little worrisome not to have everything done. I am SOOOOO disappointed I wasn't able to come see the play :((( I hear it was fantastic!! And they got great compliments on the set, so I was a part of that aspect :) Unfortunately, I didn't get back from my track meet on Saturday in time for the show, but I really hope I can come see the one in the spring! Despite the fact tat I didn't get to see the play, helping with the set made me realize that every aspect affects the production, not just the acting. Things that we often take for granted actually take a great deal of work. Although I doubt I have a future in painting sets (I wasn't the greatest) it was still an amazing experience!

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