Sunday, January 13, 2013

Oracle in The Lying Game

Earlier this year we read the story of Oedipus which is about a boy is born to a royal couple. They hear a prophecy that their son will murder his father and marry his mother, so they send him away to be killed. Yet, he survives and eventually goes back and unknowingly fulfills the prophecy. In class, we discussed the different ways we could represent the Oracle. One of our options was to have one person in the middle, with other people acting as the other parts, acting out the prophecy. This was an interesting experience because it taught us to think about a character conveying their thoughts without actually speaking them in a way that the audience would understand. Well, today I was rewatching the first episode of The Lying Game and the main character, Sutton, went to see her friends after being away for a large portion of the summer. Her friend, Char, said "Oh we're so glad to have our Oracle back" Right away it made me think of the Oracle in the story of Oedipus. She is a prohpetic character because she is adopted, trying to find her true birth parents, even though fate is against her.

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