Sunday, August 25, 2013

Summer Assignments #3 and 4

The next two assignments were created by Gwen and Katherine, and I helped by commenting on other student's posts to help steer them in the right direction.
Here are the prompts:
For assignment #3, please complete BOTH options (A and B). Thank you!
A. First research Absurdism (NOT Absurdist theatre) and give a brief synopsis of elements of the origin (who, what, when, where, why). Second research Absurdist theatre and find what elements of it make it “Absurdist” or at least what sets it apart from other types of theatre. Explain two of these elements. Thirdly, apply the two elements you chose to the French play Rhinoceros by Eugene Ionesco and determine whether Rhinoceros is, in fact, an Absurdist play.
B. Research the practice “Theatre of Cruelty." (Tip: don’t get frustrated if you don’t find much; it’s a difficult research topic for this very reason) Read enough to get an idea of what you believe the practice is. In YOUR OWN WORDS (no cheats) explain what you believe the practice is and what its motive might be. Lastly, explain why you do or do not feel this is a usable practice (ie. do you agree with the methods of the practice?)
Notes: Remember 350-500 words. Post the link(s) with your research, and happy reading. DUE: on or before WEDNESDAY, July 10th at 11:59:59

For assignment #4, please complete ALL THREE SECTIONS (Editing, Directing, Technical). Thank you!
From an editor's standpoint (concerning the Hansel and Gretel script): What scene(s) did you change and why did you change them? How do your changes enhance / clarify the piece as a whole? If there was one aspect (character, lines, blocking) you could eliminate from this script what would it be and why?
From a directorial standpoint (concerning either the Hansel and Gretel or Blood Wedding scripts): How does blocking and tone (of the characters) develop the characters' personalities / motives? Why did you chose to have certain characters perform certain movements? Pick two of your favorite blocking decisions, one from each piece, explain why those movements add to the scene or script as a whole.
From a technical standpoint (concerning either the Hansel and Gretel or Blood Wedding scripts): Which technical aspect did you chose, why did you chose it, and how does it add to the production? How does your element (ie. lighting ,sound ,costume) make the production a more cohesive / fully realized production? How does your chosen element (ie. lighting, sound, costumes, props, set) make the production a more cohesive / fully realized production?
Notes: Remember 350-500 words. Due on or before - WEDNESDAY, July 24th at 11:59:59 PM. Post the link(s) with your research, and happy creating!

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