Sunday, November 25, 2012

Florida Trip

Over Thanksgiving break (November 16-24) I went to Florida for vacation, where I noticed some relations to theatre. On Saturday November 17, I went to a football game at University of Florida. My dad and I were able to get seats in a box with his college friend, Mike Rywant. I took a million pictures while we were there, and I noticed that the view from the box showed the stadium looking similar to an ampitheatre. I was reminded of the time we went to our football stadium during class one time to simulate an ampitheatre. Here is a picture of my view:
Then, on Sunday November 18, I walked around campus with my dad. I am looking at possibly attending University of Florida for college, so it was an awesome experience! And of course, I had to take a picture when I saw the theatre building. If I went to school there, maybe I would take some classess in the theatre building:
Also, at the end of our tour, I was stopped in my tracks when I saw an ampitheatre!!! I told my dad we just had to stop and take a picture for my theatre class because it looked like an ampitheatre, and he told me it was. This would be a great place for an impromptu play, and I bet the theatre students use it often. It was really pretty, and I would love coming to this spot if I go to school here!

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