Monday, November 12, 2012

PPP Reflection

We also compiled a Practical Performance Proposal (PPP), which is a 250 word pitch about what you would do with a stiumli. Then, you write a 1000-1500 word explanation explaining your choices using research. My stimuli was the Hagia Sophia, and I wrote about performing a play in the dome of the building. We all shared our ideas with the class, and I completed this reflection about the experience of writing/learning about other people's PPPs.

I thought hearing about everyone's PPP's was fascinating! The PPP was really fun to write because it displayed my creativity. I could write about anything I wanted, so that made me more interested and enthusiastic about the paper. I thought I had a pretty creative idea for my PPP, and then when I heard everyone else talk about theirs I got even more inspiration. The most interesting lesson about hearing everyone else's ideas was the difference between them all, yet the similarities as well. That just goes to show we can all use our PPP's to demonstrate our unique creativity. The only other person's PPP who I found about in detail was Frida's, and I thought her idea was brilliant. She planned to perform "Jesus Christ Superstar" in the Hagia Sophia. I thought this was interesting because we both chose the same stimuli but had totally different ideas as to what to do with it. However, our ideas were similar in that we both incorporated the research about the cultural elements of the Hagia Sophia. Frida discussed the fact that she would be performing a Christian play in a Muslim place of worship, using a homosexual actor. I found her tying together of all of these different cultures very interesting and creative. In mine I also incorporated the history of the Hagia Sophia in being transformed from an Eastern Orthodox Church into a Muslim mosque. I briefly learned about everyone else's PPP's and I thought it was cool that a couple people would perform already written plays, while other people would perform plays that they had actually come up with by themselves. I like the idea of writing your own play better, but I think both are creative and effective. I look forward to writing more PPP's in the future, and changing my perspective each time!

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