Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Production Overview

Goals/Objectives of Class
  • present a new type of theatre to our audiences
  • challenge ourselves to maintain Japanese theatrical identity
  • memorize lines and fulfill all character roles
  • have a production that flowed/ was synchronized
  • make it funny to fulfill kyogen requirements
  • find an effective performance space
How did you achieve success on this project?
  • we spent several days carefully choosing blocking and line delivery techniques
  • we practiced our production almost every class
  • we got together the morning of the production to practice and smooth over any jitters
What were your original personal goals at the beginning of this process? (acting and technical)
  • memorize all my lines and say them with feeling as my character--so I don't sound memorized
  • get into character and effectively portray my character
  • portray good chemistry with my other two characters
  • take on a directing role with my experience from last year
  • make sure blocking and line interpretation made the play make sense and be entertaining
  • get costumes that could highlight character differences/similarities
  • use noh's set with our play

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