Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Key Accomplisments

What went right?
  • we didn't forget lines during the show
  • we stayed in character and acted well
What worked well?
  • the different fans worked well and really added to the comedy of the play
  • the contrasting robes between the master and servants was really effective
  • we kind of improvised with the string on the box
What was particularly useful?
  • having class time to work was really useful and coming in the morning
  • also it was good to have prior information about Japanese theatre so we knew how we could address blocking and interpretation of the show
What were the highlights?
  • I think the relationship between Suheli and Tristan was hilarious and a real crowd pleaser
  • I thought the talk-back was great because it showed that we had gotten our message across to the audience and they were interested in our show
  • we just had fun with the show

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