Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Henry V Act 1 Scene 2

Mrs. Burke asked us to answer the following questions from Act 1 Scene 2 of Henry V by William Shakespeare.
1.What are the specifics of the Law of Salique?
         The Law of Salique is the law that declares that the French throne cannot be inherited through women, so if the king's daughter has a son, that son may not be king. The French enacted this lawbecause they are trying to take away Henry's right through his great-grandmother.
2. Who sent the tennis balls to Henry?
          The Dauphin of France
3. Why were they sent? What do they mean/represent?
           They were sent to demonstrate his superiority over Henry's childish behavior. Also, he sent them as a symbol of war. He was putting the ball in Henry's court, so that it would be Henry's decision of whether the two countries would go to war or not. Also, going along with the tennis theme, Katherine pointed out that love means zero, so Dauphin starts the score at love-love, but Henry's decision to declare war destroys the "love."
4. What is Henry's decision at the end of this act?
          As I talked about in the previous questio, Henry decides to prepare for war with France because he feels offended by Dauphin's actions and he wants to prove his right to the French thrown.

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