Thursday, September 5, 2013

Journal Sharing

Today, September 5, 2013, we shared our different journals. Gwen went first, and her journal is interesting because she has an online component and hard copy. The URL for her site is I actually thought it's good idea to have these two different mediums for journals because I sometimes struggle to find the time or computer access to update my online version, so maybe this year, I will need to be more open to a physical journal.
Tristan had a mini-journal, which I found interesting because he said the large journals prove too intimidating, and I can definitely relate to that feeling, even with this journal because there's a whole page of white space here that I feel like I need to fill!
Josh shared his journal which he said is somewhat bare because he prefers to write in his personal journal, which I found interesting because I've always wanted to keep a personal journal, but I never feel like I have time or it just falls off after a few days of writing in it.
Maddie uses a sketchbook so she can use as much space as she wants and it makes it easier to draw sketches without lines getting in the way, which I find interesting because I also don't like drawing sketches on lined paper.
Natalie uses her journal for a lot of analysis and then connects it to theatre at the end, which is something I like to do because I often find my life has connections to theatre.. She also likes to write critiques of plays.

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