Friday, May 24, 2013

Rhinoceros Final Production

Our final production of Rhinoceros took place on April 1, 2013 at around 8 in the morning. We had  one roduction first period and the other was second period. We had several audience members for the fiurst showand even more for the seoncd  one, and the seoncd went a lot smoother. On  the first one, we got ourb lines a little messed up, but we were able to recover. Then, second period we realized our mistakes, and second period went a lot better. Second period also had a  more interactive audience which helped because it made it seemlike theyunderstood our show better and kind of gaveussome more confidence. after each show, we did a talk-back with the audience. the first group didn't have toob many questions, although they did pick up on the color scheme with the red, as well as understanding a  little bit of the absurdism.

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