Monday, March 18, 2013

Production Meeting 3/13

We had a production meeting Wednesday on March 13.
Gwen is in charge of set design--she shared her progress
  • no response from Mr. Landis about key to box in stairwell and Mr. Wonzer about chairs and tables from cafeteria
  • emailed art teachers about seats-about 25 we can use
  • working on canvas for corkboard-working on brownish color-so we can we put stuff on it
  • she checked with Frida (costumes) and Aishwarya (props) about colors to use on corkboard
Catherine is in charge of sound
  • played her songs that she plans to use for the show
  • orchestral piece for when rhinoceros comes through-from live action production of Peter Pan in 2003
  • "He's a Tramp" from Lady and the Tramp for the end of the scene leading us out into the curtain call
  • "Kiss the Girl" for when Daisy enters--THIS IS MY FAVORITE I LOVE IT SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • "A Little Town" from the beginning of Beauty and the Beast for the beginning of the play when Jean and Berenger are sitting in the cafe.
  • ask Elaine to record the voice of Daisy
I am in charge of PR
  • I brought a rough draft of the program
  • Must email teachers/administration to save the date for the production
  • Everyone else is emailing me head shots&short bio for the program
  • work on ticket for the next production meeting-3/21
Frida is in charge of costumes
  • I showed everyone my red dress and red high heels
  • Aishwarya will bring in a scarf that could go with my dress
  • I'm going to practice wearing my heels to see if it's possible
  • Katherine has a wrinkled, pinstriped shirt and the pinstripes are red which goes with our theme
  • I need to take a picture of my dad's bowler hat
  • Look for broom skirts for Sam
  • Sam needs to ask about an apron and bring in his cardigan
  • Bring in maid cap
  • meeting with Mr. McGuire tomorrow
  • wants black construction paper over the lights to make the scene darker
  • yellow paper over window
    · keep stairwells darker so the audience is more focused on the stages
    · stages more lit up so they're the focus of the production
    · hopefully some lighting instruments in the stairwell
    · Take pictures of my stuffed animals to see any of them would work for the cat
    · Check about trays
    · Necklace chains in the glasses for the spillage
    · Bring in gold/silver chains
    · Towel hooked into Frida's apron for when she cleans up the glasses-check for red towel
    · Giant paper bags
    · Brandy bottle
    · Aishwarya and Katherine need to bring in stuffed rhinos

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