Friday, February 22, 2013

Rhinocerous Production Options

We are planning to produce Act I in class, so we talked about how to make that possible
  • we could have our scripts in hand so that we wouldn't have to memorize all of the lines
  • but it might look awkward because it wouldn't be a fully realized production
Performance is going to be March 28 during 2nd period. That gives us 11 rehearsals leading up to it. Blocking in the first week of rehearsal. 9 left to perfect, get off book, do design aspects, lighting, etc.
I will be Jean and I'm going to try to memorize my lines to the best of my ability.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Theatre Dream

The other night, I had a theatre dream! In class on Monday, February 11, we were talking about theatre of the absurd in class, as well as breaking the third wall, where the actors talk to the audience as if they're actually there. Then, that night, I had a dream that I was in a play. I had to pretend to talk to the audience at some points and actually join in the play. I can't even really explain what was happening. It was sooo weird, and the whole thing felt totally real. Then, when I woke up, I remembered the dream and realized that I had dreamed it because of what we had discussed in class earlier that day. Theatre is even invading my dreams!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Crowd Behavior Research

Before we begin Rhinoceros, Mrs. Burke wanted us to do some research on crowd pyschology, crowd behavior, and mob mentality to find out more about the mass hysteria that often ensues in crowds. This will occur with the mounting hysteria about the rhinos. I found some great, information articles about the topic, posted below:
I think this picture is a great representation of how anything in a crowd can escalate, causing chaos.

Then in class we talked about these things:
  • mall at Christmas-bumping into people, frustrating, beyond your control
  • cattle-slow process, people don't think, like animals
  • 2 kinds of crowds: the frustration of other people around you or the crowd were the feelings are catching (mosh pit)
  • good: inaguration, THON
  • Penn State mobs-lynch mob mentality, anger focuses on a specific thing, "attack without mercy, attacking because you can" "need to be first one to give opinion" act without thinking
  • leader(s) will emerge-alpha, elder, strength
  • anonymity-lack of responsibity, not held accountable for actions
  • emotions rule actions
  • people do what they see being done
  • mass confusion!!
  • conformity
  • aftershocks of incident-changes entire community-have to become individuals again
  • protests/riots create destruction
  • when one person tries to be an individual, they just overrun them
  • reality is gone-Sweedish night club incident: people smelled smoke but denied it
  • even outside observers can be affected even if they don't participate-my sisters at Penn State during the rioting didn't participate, but still saw everything, smelled the tear gas so it got in their minds as well
  • poeple not paying attention
  • panic, freaking out, need to get out
  • people everywhere
  • freezing up, can't do anything
  • finding/losing people in a crowd
  • feelings are catching
  • sit-ins and protests